White Death

Games / Divide et Impera / White Death
This huge expansion for Divide Et Impera is the result of the efforts of Backers and the LMS team. It contains all the exclusive and additional materials unlocked during the Kickstarter Campaign, thanks to over 2400 Backers.
Box content: Supply Tokens (3), Faction Tokens (18), Wild Faction Cards (8), NIkita Cardboard (1)
Nikita Model (1), Natural Feat Tokens (3), Wild Scrappers Models (15), Tolstoj Model (1), Tolstoj Cards (3), Fauns Starting Action Cards (8), Fauns Improved Action Cards (6), Lilith Leader Cardboard (1), Lilith Model (1), Den Tokens (6), Fauns Scrapper Models (15), Fauns Mission Cards (7), Gaia’s Idol Model (1), Psionic Presence Card (1)

In this large box, you’ll find 3 new available Factions, a brand-new Market,  the Automa mode, the Solo Mode, and much more which brings longevity and variety to your D.E.I games.

In this large box, you’ll find 3 new available Factions, a brand-new Market, the Automa mode, the Solo Mode, and much more which brings longevity and variety to your D.E.I games.

The Deluxe version of Divide et Impera (LMS Exclusive) has, instead of meeples, dozens of amazing miniatures (20-30 mm high), made by High Quality PVC. 


In our app you can find rulebooks, FAQs, Print&Play and other useful materials to improve your gaming experience.


All the material that may be useful to you can be found on our app!

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