Seal of Fire

Finally, the legendary Phoenix has been released! It represents the Fire of rebirth, the first Element that the Black Rose Lodge has given to her followers!

Seal of Fire expansion adds new game material for Black Rose Wars and Black Rose Wars: Rebirth, with a new Forgotten Evocation, 3 tiny new Pets, and a young Mage, Prospero.

Will you be able to master the most destructive and saving of the Elements?

Box content: 1x Phoenix miniature (height: 100mm, wingspan: 150 mm), 1x Prospero Mage Miniature (40mm), 3x Phoenix Pets miniatures (30mm), 1x Mage card, 3x Mage Personal Spell, 3x Pet cards, 1x Forbidden Spell, 4x Evocation cards, 1x Room tile.

Prospero is the son of a well-known mage, and he is obsessed with becoming more famous and skilled than his father. His ambition leads him to find and learn some ancient rituals: with them, Prospero wants to dominate the primordial power of fire and get the power of the mythical Phoenix. Unlike his father, he does not wish only the power of disruption, but also the rebirth one; with that legendary creature, Prospero is sure to dominate both those powers!

Seal of Fire adds new game material for BRW and Rebirth, with a new Forgotten Evocation, 3 new Pets, and a YOUNG Mage, to master the most destructive and saving of the Elements.


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